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Webinar Recap: Discoveries Orientation Recap and FERPA

The image is an announcement for the University of Denver New Student & Family Programs' Webinar Series focusing on "Discoveries Orientation Recap and FERPA."
Posted 5 months ago  in First Year FamiliesFall Orientation.

We concluded our Summer Webinar Series this Thursday, September 19th with a Discoveries Orientation recap and hear of the Office of the Registrar to learn more about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, also known as FERPA. 

Click here to watch the webinar recording!

Office of the Registrar:

DU FERPA Resources: 

  • FERPA Webpage -- find resources for students and families to understand how the law applies to educational records  
  • FERPA Guide for Parents -- understand more about educational records and how it shifts to the student after they turn 18 

Top Asked Questions from the Webinar: 

How can I see my student's grades and Canvas? 

Students are the only ones who can see their grades and Canvas courses. Best practice is to go through your student! Have open conversations about your expectations with grades and set up a plan with how they will share updates about their grades and classwork with you.

How can my student check their meal swipe balance? 
To check the balance of a meal plan at the University of Denver, you can use the eAccounts Card Management Portal. You can also use this portal to view your meal usage history.
You can also check your Flex account balance by going to and clicking Use Your ID Card on the top menu, then Flex Account from the menu on the left.

My student is struggling with quiet hours in the residence halls, how can they get help? 
If your student is struggling with their residence hall encourage them to connect with the RA! If they have already set up a 1:1 meeting with their RA and are still struggling, they can reach out to their Residence Hall Director for additional help. 

Curious about the well-being and harm reduction strategies the university uses for on our campus events and supports? Visit our Health Promotions website to learn more! 

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